Sauna Treatments

women's legs sitting in a sauna

Sauna Pricing

Single Sessions are $20 (or $15 for Hope Care patients)
Limited Time Offer: Buy 5 Sessions, GET ONE FREE!!

Unlimited Sessions are $50/month and $45/month for Hope Care members! This offer is only available with a one-year contract for monthly sauna members.

Benefits of Sauna Treatments

 Relieves Chronic Pain and Fatigue
Patients suffering from pain and stiffness caused by autoimmune diseases saw significant pain reduction after 4 weeks of daily, 5 times per week, FIRS sessions of at least 15 minutes each session.

Improves Heart Function
Patients undergoing FIRS treatment, 10 sessions of 15 minutes each over two weeks, have been shown to have improved vascular endothelial function, reduction of diastolic blood pressure, reduction in fasting blood glucose concentrations, and reduction in PVCs.

Improves Circulation
By elevating the temperature of subcutaneous layers of the body, the blood capillaries expand, stimulating blood
circulation which can promote healing and tissue regeneration.

Improved Detoxification
By heating the tissue several inches deep, metabolic processes are enhanced. This restores inactive cells in the skin, our largest organ for elimination, which helps reduce our toxic load quite significantly. By sweating in a relaxed state, the body will release heavy metals and other toxins as well as kill off viruses and other microbes.

Enhances Mood and Combats SAD
Warming the body increases blood flow and the release of beta-endorphins provides the brain and body with calming, therapeutic results. The far-infrared rays from the sauna mimic the benefits of natural sunlight and warm the body at a deeper level, naturally elevating mood and combating SAD.

Reduces Stress & Improves Sleep
Patients using FIRS for 30 minutes doubled beta-endorphin levels in the blood. Beta endorphins
relieve pain, are anti-stress hormones, and may also produce a sense of well-being and euphoria. A reduction in stress hormones coupled with an increase in serotonin induces a deep sleep of relaxation that promotes a better quality of sleep.

Assists with Weight Loss
One 30-minutes FIRS session can burn as many as 600 calories. The far infrared waves stimulate your metabolism, lower cortisol levels, and slightly raise HGH to help with weight loss.

Rejuvenation of Skin
Skin rejuvenation can occur when two basic things happen, improvement of the body’s circulation and elimination of toxins from the pores of the skin. FIRS treatment accomplishes both of these. Patients have experienced improvement of the skin tone and a younger look and feel to their skin