Vitamin Excellence & Efficacy at Excell for Life!

Getting healthy can seem like a daunting process… It’s time to get back to the basics: vitamins!

The first thing you can do is to take your Life-giving vitamins and supplements! It is difficult to eat enough healthy food to get the vitamins and minerals your body needs. You will be surprised at just how much more energy you will have when you take Excell’s high quality products!

Beware of most other vitamins and supplements, including the over-the-counter kind, because about 75% of them don’t even have what they claim to have in them. Another problem with these vitamins is that many of them are packed into a hard tablet, making it virtually impossible for your body to break them down and absorb them. Numerous studies published in the Wall Street Journal and on NPR have shown this. We at Excell continue to research our products and the companies that make them to ensure the highest quality and effectiveness.

Make sure to take your 2-3 Orthomega fish oil, one Ortho Biotic probiotic, one Vitamin D 5000, and our energizing, well-absorbed Orthomolecular multivitamins—2-4 Alpha Base (with or without iron, check with your healthcare provider) or Mitocore. Vitamin D is especially important. It is the “sunshine vitamin” and it is responsible for building strong bones and protecting against a wide variety of diseases, including cancers, asthma, diabetes, arthritis, macular degeneration, and mental illness. And, most of us are Vitamin D deficient! Every vitamin and mineral in our multivitamins is essential for our health and well-being.

Right around this time of year is when many people give up their New Year’s resolutions to get healthy. They stop going to the gym, are not so careful about what they eat and drink, and stay up too late. People who decided they would stop smoking, manage their stress better, stop procrastinating or improve their finances sometimes are not able to meet their goals.

Why is this?

Sometimes it’s a matter of giving up too easily. The excitement you feel when you make those resolutions wears off, and other things become a precedence. Try to set reasonable goals. For instance, tell yourself that you will spend 30 minutes exercising a day. Then set aside a certain time every day that you know you are free to exercise, like in the morning before work, or in the evening after dinner. Make it manageable, so that it can become a life-long priority.

Don’t have unrealistic expectations. You can’t lose 30 pounds in 2 weeks. But you can set a reasonable goal for yourself so that you don’t get discouraged and give up.

There are some simple things that you CAN do that will really make a difference in how you feel. And if you are feeling good, it will be easier to keep those other resolutions…

Get at least 7-8 hours of sleep nightly, and make sure to do 30-60 minutes of cardio exercise daily.
Start with these simple steps, and you will be amazed at how quickly you will begin to feel better—you will have more energy and your mood will improve.

It’s not too late to make some new resolutions—basic ones that you can keep to take care of yourself!
Blessings to you,

Nurse Anne


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