Review of “Heaven” by Alcorn & “Radical” by Platt

“Heaven”, by Randy Alcorn  and “Radical”, by David Platt are terrific books!


I am so excited and awed about the life forever that our great God has for us believers in Heaven!!!  The very best experiences (food, fellowship, parties, work, love and more) we have ever had here on earth, will always pale in comparison to our life in Heaven.  Randy relates that it is Satan who makes us think that Heaven will be boring or only about resting and singing. 

I just finished reading and studying this book in my woman’s Bible study group and strongly recommend it as a must for you!  Our churches do not talk as much about Heaven as we need.  And we need to keep seeking and reading and learning ourselves.  Randy Alcorn details throughout his book all the many things scripture has to say about Heaven.  He through God’s great word answers all your questions about Heaven (like what about animals and pets?). 

The book has revolutionized my knowledge and anticipation of Heaven.  It also has given me much more of a daily knowledge that my life here is temporary and for Him.  My real home is Heaven.  I want to keep sharing this great news to believers and especially nonbelievers!

“You are made for a person and place.  Jesus is the person.  Heaven is the place.”

This book is very long, so right now if you need a shorter summarized version you can go to Randy Alcorn’s website and order a small pamphlet summarizing “Heaven.”

… a definition of “radical” = return to the roots…

“What is Jesus worth to you?  It’s easy for American Christians to forget how Jesus said his followers would actually live and their lifestyle would look like.  They would, Jesus said, leave behind security, money, convenience, even family for him.  They would abandon everything for the gospel and take up their crosses daily…

But who do you know who lives like that?  Do you?  In “Radical”, David Platt challenges you to consider with an open heart  how we manipulated the gospel to fit our cultural preferences.  He shows what Jesus actually said about being his disciple–then invites you to believe and obey what you have heard.”

David Platt urges you to join the Radical Experiment:

1.  Pray for the entire world.

2.  Read through the entire word – the entire Bible.

3.  Sacrifice my money for a specific purpose (not just give but really sacrifice and do it above your at least tithing to your church  – such as we are sending at least 6 people on a mission trip this year, most all of my kids and my husband and myself, costing and sacrificing a significant amount of $ for us and trusting and totally believing in Him in and through it).

4.  Spend my time in another context (go on at least a week mission trip in another area of the country or the world, or at least spending a week in a different mission service in your community).

5.  Commit my life to a multiplying community (become an fully active committed member of a vibrant local church and also a small life group in that church).

Bruce and I are doing this, and you can too!  I know because of God’s awesome love and grace and power  it will change our lives and the world…  You can too through Him, and then we will all party together with even more people  in Heaven!!!…  WOW…

Dr. Lisa




Living with Life Interrupted… thoughts from Dr. Lisa & Priscilla Shirer