Living with Life Interrupted… thoughts from Dr. Lisa & Priscilla Shirer

This blog was published by Lisa in 2011 but she is still living life uninterrupted!

I am so happy to be writing to you now, after entering a major life interruption and attending a great Priscilla Shirer Going Beyond Simulcast.  Priscilla just published a book, “Life Interrupted – Navigating the Unexpected.”  Our great God certainly divinely placed me at this simulcast, and I always praise Him!

Very unexpectedly I diagnosed my 10 year old daughter Annika with type 1 diabetes 4 weeks ago.  We continue to have daily difficult challenges.  This is a major forever life interruption, with taking blood sugars 8-10 times a day (even through the night) and calculating carbs with any food she eats and giving insulin at least 5 times a day…  I know that in ALL things Christ works for the good of those who love Him9romans 8:28).  It is my and our job to believe and trust in Him, and keep seeking and knowing Him better.

“The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”  Deuteronomy 31:8

Priscilla’s book, “Life Interrupted” gives us lessons based on Jonah’s life and story.  Priscilla relates that life interruptions = opportunity for divine intervention.  “The prophet Jonah’s existence was interrupted by a call from God that would require a complete change in life.  And it scared him enough to make him run in the opposite direction.  Yet, what seemed to be an unnecessary and useless interruption was really an opportunity for Jonah to be involved in something the likes of which the Old Testament world had never seen before.  This interruption was really a divine intervention and it held more adventure and possibility than he could have ever imagined.” 

Our life interruptions can be God’s means of steering us toward the most magnificent outcome of our lives, as long as we are obedient to Him!  God’s power deserves more opportunity in our lives, and He ids able!

Work to view interruptions and problems as God’s divine and ultimately good plan for our lives.  They can be positive, even if we are not ready to handle them.  God is in us.  He promises us blessings and to do great things in us and through us.  So we must say “Yes Lord!” and really live it and believe it.

We always can count on God.  If He gets us into something, He will carry us through it, and we will see Him come alive in our lives (as long as we don’t run from him!).  Not my will but Your will be done.  Remember the decisions each of us makes today will leave a legacy.

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are my ways your ways.” Isaiah 55:8

How do I relate Priscilla’s teaching to my own life with my daughter’s type 1 diabetes?  I am watching for His power and action around me, and watching for the positives and blessings.  I am in His word and study, and praying and believing.

I have already seen much more closeness between Annika (age 10) and Brendan (age 16).  My oldest daughter Christina (age 22) is calling us just to check up on us and help when she can.  We have family diabetes sessions and Bleeke/Miller family teamwork scheduled (Bruce, myself, my former husband Jim, and our 4 children).  I am learning a lot more about diabetes for all my patients…  Yes, Lord!

My prayers for all of you and your life interruptions, that you lean into and know Him and believe… with boldness, purpose, praise, and faith!

Dr. Lisa


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