Not All Prenatal Vitamins Are Created Equal

There are often many nutritional changes women make in the process of family planning. In our functional medicine practice, we recommend most women of child bearing ages to do good detox before becoming pregnant. And most in our practice already take our great multivitamins, extra Vitamin D, and our clean fish oils.


What should you expect to begin taking as soon as you begin trying for baby?

There are so many prenatal vitamins out there on the market. Some are available at almost every drug store and some are only available with prescription. Which one is best?

We have discovered the perfect symmetry of vitamins in easy to take daily packets called PlusOne™ Daily Prenatal Packs .

Each once-daily packet provides:

Prenatal multivitamin support: Advanced Prenatal provides a science-based combination of vitamins and minerals, incorporating 1 mg of folate and an array of antioxidants that reflect the latest research in prenatal nutrition.*

We sometimes order a blood test after discovering pregnancy to check for folate and B12 levels if we suspect any deficiency. This vitamin will make sure these vitamin levels stay high for health and optimal energy and baby’s brain and spinal cord development.

Fetal brain development support: Choline, an essential nutrient, is provided for additional support based on current research.* Choline is used in many different processes in the body. It is especially important during pregnancy to help baby’s brain and spinal cord develop properly.

Fetal development, heart health, mood, and overall health support: OmegaGenics® EPA-DHA 720 is a quality-guaranteed omega-3 fatty acid fish oil manufactured and third-party tested to ensure greater purity.*

Bone density support: Calcium/Magnesium supports bone health and may also support muscle relaxation and help ease pregnancy associated leg cramps.* Remember staying active and moving is so important during this time!

Wellness essentials pregnancy is the best prenatal vitamin we have found on the market! Be sure to forward this to every one of your expecting friends and family members!

These products are complete as they are and you should require no other supplements. Do not take any extra vitamin A with this product and see an Excell provider to before taking any extra vitamins besides these – we often check for iron etc to make certain you are getting plenty!


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