MOM’S Everything Book for Daughters by Becky Freeman

Parenting Daughters -“MOM’S Everything Book for Daughters” by Becky Freeman will teach you how you can help prevent tough issues like beauty and body issues.

Chapter “Beauty at What Price?”
We need to constantly remind ourselves and especially our daughters that God made us each uniquely beautiful exactly the way we are and there is not another girl exactly like us! The right guy when we are dating will be attracted to our inner and outer beauty at the right time without any premeditated sexy moves. Hollywood and our culture images of beauty in women are not real and are psychologically dangerous to girls, so limit as much as possible those TV, computer, or magazine images. What can you do to help your daughter feel good about herself physically?
Focus on what is important:

  • values, character, and behavior – much more than looks

  • don’t communicate your own weight concerns with your daughter

  • let her know weight gain during puberty is not only natural but important for healthy development (and regular periods)

  • keep your comments positive and realistic

  • stress health and fitness as a family (don’t single just one child out)

  • eat regular healthy meals

  • have healthy foods and snacks

  • eat (slowly) when hungry and stop when you are full

  • and exercise daily-have

  • have no tolerance for teasing

  • appropriately touch and hug our daughters as we verbally approve of their inner and outer beauty

Remember even our very pretty girls are insecure.

“Tell your daughter that, “You are lovely and, truly , your beauty is a pleasure to behold. But I want you to read this line from Marmie and know that what I most cherish in you is the beauty you carry inside your heart. And these are the things God cherishes most in you as well.””

One of the most profound statements mother can make to her daughter comes from the movie “Little Women” when Marmie is combing her daughter’s lovely hair, “I only care what you think of yourself. If you feel your value lies in being merely decorative, I fear that someday you might find yourself believing that’s all you really are. Time erodes all such beauty. But what it cannot diminish is the wonderful workings of your mind – your humor, your kindness, and your moral courage. These are the things I cherish so in you.”

Write this quote out for your daughter on a pretty piece of paper in very nice handwriting or nice font from your computer, and suggest she keep it somewhere where she can read it often or at least occasionally!

Memory verse to have her write out or type as a reminder of her truest, innermost beauty,

“Don’t be concerned about the outward beauty that depends on jewelry, or beautiful clothes, or hair arrangement. Be beautiful inside, in your hearts, with the lasting charm of a gentle and quiet spirit which is so precious to God.” 1 Peter 3:3-4


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