Natural Menopause Help

Get healthier as you grow wiser!

Menopause is a natural part of life for all women & can be celebrated.  Defined as no period for 12 months, menopause average age is 51, with 48-55 average range (premature is <40). Hormones in women (progesterone, estrogen, & testosterone) & men (testosterone) start to decrease at age 30, but typical menopause symptoms usually start 2-4 years before your period stops (peri-menopause). Common symptoms are: hot flashes/chills, night sweats, sleep disturbances, decreased libido, vaginal dryness, mood changes, decreased concentration, weight gain & slowed metabolism. Hot flashes can be eased by using one of these great iPhone fan attachments!


Life-style Tips to Lessen Trouble with Hormone Fluctuations: WATER (half your weight in ounces/day – start with 2 glasses each meal), CARDIO EXERCISE ( 3 hours/week gave improvement in menopause symptoms in studies!), AVOID SUGAR & GLUTEN (& decrease caffeine & alcohol), increase GROUND FLAXSEED (40 grams/day = 1 1/4cup is just as good as hormones in studies, but is 800 calories), PRAYER/MEDITATION DAILY & DECREASE STRESS, YOGA, DRESS IN LAYERS, STAY SEXUALLY ACTIVE (coconut oil a great lubricant, Replens also good for dryness), take slow DEEP BREATHS during hot flashes, perform KEGEL exercises to strengthen pelvic floor (also MINI-TRAMPOLINE/REBOUNDERS help this.)

Non-hormonal Treatments with Our Supplements:

 OrthoMolecular natural Vitamin E (can take up to 400 iu per each 40 lb of weight, so up to 3/day for a 120 lbs. woman)… Metagenics Ultra-potent Vitamin C 500mg (2 tabs 1-3x/day, and can to bowel tolerance)… Orthomolecular Vitamin D3 5000 (also in K2+D35000, and K-Force)… Biotics Bio3BGs vitamin B complex (1-2 tabs 3x/day)… Estrovera (1/day This is an amazing product! It contains Syberian rhubarb used to relieve multiple menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes, sleep disturbances, mood swings, irritability, anxiety, and sexual problems. It can take a few months to get full benefits, however you can take two a day for the first month to speed that up.)… MetagenicsHerSynergy (1 once or twice daily, with Fenugreek, B vitamins, magnesium,zinc)… Metagenics HisSynergy (1/day for women, with Tribulus,Ashwaganda, Cowage to increase testosterone. Don’t miss: Libido Support Supplements featuring these two products.

Special Order Products We May Recommend: Metagenics Black Cohosh (1/day)… or Orthomolecular Femarin (1 twice/day, w black cohosh, trans-resveratrol, licorice root, gamma oryzanol extra from rice bran, dong quai)…

We recommend you start one of these above at a time, and you can add others if needed (but if one does not help after taking a month then you can, of course, stop it).

***Other Options: Evening Primrose Oil…  Ginseng… Don quai…  Yam phytoestrogens… essential oils (Clary sage, Peppermint, Lavender, Geranium, Basil, Citrus)… and teas (black cohosh, ginseng, chasteberry, red raspberry, don quai, valerian, licorice, gingko, green tea)

OTC Hormonal Options: Orthomolecular DHEA 5mg (dissolved under tongue or vaginally 1-3/day) or 25mg capsules (1/day), Orthomolecular Pregnenolone 10mg (1-3/day), or Young Living Progessence Plus – these should be monitored by checking hormone levels

RX Medicines: BIO-IDENTICAL HORMONES (see an Excell for Life provider to discuss the best for you), VAGINAL ESTROGEN, GABAPENTIN (brand Neurontin) which is an off label use for relieving hot flashes in women when hormone therapy is not suitable or not working for the patient, CLONIDINE (brands Catapress, Kapvay) which is more rarely used for hot flashes because it is shown to decrease noradrenergic activity in the blood vessels, EFFEXOR & ZOLOFT or other antidepressants may be necessary for some even temporarily if you struggle with mood swings that can come from natural, though major hormone changes.

Suggestions to avoid weight gain: move more! (exercise at least 30 min 5-7x/week), fast regularly (see Dr. Lisa’s article “Intermittent Fasting”), eat less & better (gluten-free, low sugar, low alcohol), drink green tea & organic apple cider vinegar (alkalinize with 1 T twice daily with a little water & then big glass water after, &/or as needed 1 T + big glass water for appetite suppressant!)

Team with Excell for Life to be your Healthiest!  Call for appointment! 317-660-0888

Indy’s best team of certified functional medicine providers for you & your family!

Order our excellent researched supplements online at or stop in! (96th & Ditch).


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