We are the most experienced team treating PANS/PANDAS!


Infections Can Change Behavior

Did you know that after infections, like strep, your child can develop neurological symptoms resulting in drastic changes to their personality such as oppositional behavior, OCD, tics, severe anxiety and significant changes in their handwriting? This can happen weeks or months after and be difficult to diagnose. Families often see more than TEN providers prior to diagnosis and treatment resulting in frustration and inconsistency in care.

We are here to help with PANS/PANDAS!

Fortunately, our team is trained not only to identify the disorder, but we are the most experienced team in treatment. Tara Fox, DNP has been treating the disorder since 2010 and treated hundreds of patients! She has worked with facilities all over the US including premier clinics like the CPAE Clinic at the University of AZ, the NIH, and John Hopkins. Her current research has brought steps towards developing a nationally recognized screening tool to educate primary care providers and encourage early diagnosis. Working with local and national universities, she is on the cutting edge of treatment and works alongside neurologists, immunologists, developmental pediatricians, PhDs, and other primary care providers to ensure care for the whole family.


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