Let Them Eat Cake

Let them eat cake.jpeg

Or at least pie

As we start this journey towards health together, there are a few things you need to know about me; I don’t see things the way others see them, and I think it is easier to get forgiveness rather than permission….and the rest we will address later.

Two years ago during the holiday season my brother died unexpectedly. There were many things that needed to be addressed quickly. Flowers for the funeral were one of those items. People need to express sentiment, especially when a love one dies and we have developed traditions like giving flowers to help us express our love.

A famous English statesman, Gladstone, said, “Show me the manner in which a nation or community cares for its dead and I will measure with mathematical exactness the tender sympathies of its people.”

OK…then, the flowers are the physical objects that tells other that I cared about my brother. It just didn’t feel right. He wasn’t a flower kind of guy. So then I had to think of an object that best told the story of our relationship.

SO, placed at the head of the casket was a 10 inch, deep dish, made from scratch, lemon meringue pie. With flaky crust, fresh squeezed lemons, and a perfectly golden meringue topping. Before closing the casket the pie was placed inside so he could take it with him.

You see every year I would make pies for Thanksgiving and every year my brother would arrive early and steal the lemon pies and take them home so he could have them all to himself. It became a game over time to see if we could ever beat him at his game. I only did once….the year before he died.

It’s strange that I can describe every one of my siblings with food. My oldest brother – Cheese-It’; the other brother – steak; my sister – pineapple upside down cake; and the baby of the family mashed potatoes. I guess that’s when you know you have a few… no a lot of food issues.


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