Functional Medicine for Osteoperosis and Osteopenia

Osteoporosis and osteopenia can be treated well with recommended supplements and exercise at our functional medicine practice! Vitamins, supplements, and load-bearing/low impact exercises are great options our providers will discuss with you to help you prevent, treat, and ease symptoms of this fragile bone disease.

Supplements for Osteoporosis and Osteopenia

A great multivitamin like AlphaBase and additional supplements (e.g. OsteoBaseVitamin K2 with D3Ortho Biotic, and/or Collagen) will be highly recommended by our providers. We recommend our supplements because we know they are sourced well and from reputable manufacturers.

The combination will depend on your risk factors, symptoms, and/or test results. Always discuss vitamins and supplements with your Excell for Life functional care provider before taking them. Now that we’ve given an overview of supplements, let’s check out the exercises!

5 Exercises to Help Prevent Osteoporosis

From Dr. Lisa’s trainer: “Load-bearing, low impact exercise is best to help prevent osteoporosis.” See the video below for Dr. Lisa’s demonstration of some of these exercises.

 Squats: Sit back into hips. Keep chest up. Lower body to desired height and press through the floor as you stand back up.

 Overhead Press: Stand up straight with abs and glutes engaged. Press weight up from shoulders.

 Side Steps: Step side to side. Keep knees slightly bent.

 Step Up: Use a stair to step up and down alternating legs.

Lunges: These can be good also, but you need to be evaluated first for your stability, strength, and knees!


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