An Alkaline Diet for Health & Life!

Alkalize or Die by Dr. Theodore Baroody

The countless names attached to illnesses do not really matter. What does matter is they are all from (or worsened by) the same root cause which is a body that is too acidic!

Too much acidity in your body is like having too little oil in your car… it will grind to a halt one day and be stuck. Begin the process of alkalizing yourself, which helps your body get rid itself of acidic tissue waste. The result of an alkaline body is superior health, energy, and strength to enjoy life fully.

Consider food from the naturalistic view of energy (as Dr. Baroody, says in his book “Alkalize or Die”). Alkaline and acidic foods are either providing energy to our taking energy away from our body:

  • Alkalizing food produces an increased ability to energize the system and leave an alkaline residue in the urine.

  • Acidic inducing food decreases ability to energize your body and leave an acid residue in the urine. Acid wastes attack the joints, muscles, organs and glands causing minor to major dysfunction and illness, from the common cold, chronic infections to cancer.

Test Your Body’s Alkalinity

Test your alkalinity with pH strips as shown in this photo. The best pH balance for an alkaline reserve: 1st morning urine or saliva should be 6.5 – 7.5 (if below 6.5 then you are too acidic).  To replenish and sustain your alkaline reserves, follow the rule of 80/20. Eat 80% of your foods (8 out of 10) from the alkaline-forming list and 20% (2 out of 10) from the acid-forming list. Over-indulgence in acid-forming foods, especially processed or fried foods, sickens the body.

Remember alkalizing ace hydrochloric acid (HCL) is the only acid our body produces (in our stomach).  HCL keeps us alive by allowing us to absorb critical vitamins & mineral (like B12 and folate), killing destructive microbes, and reducing tissues acid waste buildup from our detrimental food choices.  There can be tremendous health benefits in taking betaine HCL supplements or substances that naturally stimulate HCL production in the stomach.

Acidic or Alkaline Diet Information:

For any food cooked, frozen, or canned subtract 0.5. For food grown with chemicals or processed with preservatives or prepared with sugar subtract 1.0 from the pH. The fresher and sweeter foods taste, the higher the alkalinity.

Alkaline Foods

  • Fruits: all are alkaline-forming except blueberries, cranberries, plums and prunes.

  • Vegetables: all are alkaline-forming (including potatoes if eaten with the peel)

  • Herbs: alkalizing especially parsley, cilantro, chives, basil, dill, sage, bay leaf, rosemary, an wheat grass

  • Seeds: alkaline-forming are sprouted alfalfa & chia & radish, unsprouted sesame

  • Condiments: alkaline-forming (agar, pepper, garlic, herbs & spices, natural ketchup & mayonnaise, Dr. Bronner’s Mineral Bouillon, miso, MSG free soy sauce, salts: vegetable, sea, organically processed, most spices (cayenne pepper, turmeric, garlic, cinnamon and ginger), vanilla extract, organic apple cider vinegar, sweet brown rice vinegar, yeast

Acidic Foods

  • Grains: all are ACID-forming except amaranth, millet, quinoa and arrow-root flour.

  • Beans: all are ACID-forming except fresh lima/peas/snap & string beans, soy (dried beans, soy cheese, soy milk, tempeh, tofu)

  • Starches: bran, bread, cereals, crackers, pastas, pastries, popcorn are all ACID-forming

  • Nuts: all ACID-forming except almonds, chestnuts, fresh coconut, and pignolias.

  • Seeds: ACID-forming are pumpkin/sunflower/wheat germ.

  • Meat & animal products like butter & cheese/dairy: all ACID-forming (best is fish with fin & scales, shellfish, & organically grown chicken & turkey).

  • Sugars: all ACID-forming except brown rice syrup, dried sugar cane juice (sucanat), unpasteurized honey, maguey (concentrated cactus juice)

  • Beverages: all ACID-forming (including coffee, pop, alcohol)

  • Condiments: ACID-forming (gelatin, refined ketchup & mayonnaise, refined salt, processed soy sauce, processed vinegar, spices mustard & nutmeg)

  • Miscellaneous: cosmetics, drugs (Rx & of course mind-altering-even marijuana debilitates the adrenals & immune system that even used once a month it is useless to expect any real health), tobacco.

Neutral Foods

  • Oils: neutral are almond, avocado, canola, castor, coconut, corn, olive, safflower, sesame, soy, sunflower

I will include more information about certain drugs causing this in upcoming blogs, plus what to do when you are more acidic.


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Pesticides and Chemicals in Our Foods